Testing replies by email

This is a thread to test replies by email.

This is a test reply by email.

When this server was setup I’d forgotten that:

Also note that these Playbooks are based on using mx.webarch.net for incoming email – this is an anti-spam gateway, if this wasn’t used then SpamAssassin should probably be added to the mix.

webarch / discourse · GitLab

See line 39 here, email is only accepted from mx.webarch.net but I omitted to set that up:

So this should fix this on future installs (not tested yet):

I’m afraid that I appear to have broken incoming and outgoing email from this server while trying to configure DKIM :frowning:.

So this thread should send by email ?

You probably need to enable “mailing list mode”

I think that is enabled.

should it do something.

does anyone still use email ?

OK I saw an email go out,
but there was an api error when REPLYING by email

Nov 13 13:45:21 members postfix/smtpd[18773]: connect from mx.webarch.net[]
Nov 13 13:45:21 members smtp-reject[18778]: Failed to GET smtp_should_reject answer from https://members.webarchitects.coop/admin/email/smtp_should_reject.json: 404
Nov 13 13:45:21 members postfix/smtpd[18773]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mx.webarch.net[]: 450 4.7.1 <discourse+a4d0f7bf15a0b12faccfb4115c659fa7@members.webarchitects.coop>: Recipient address rejected: Internal error, API request failed; from=<kate@webarchitects.coop> to=<discourse+a4d0f7bf15a0b12faccfb4115c659fa7@members.webarchitects.coop> proto=ESMTP helo=<mx.webarch.net>
Nov 13 13:45:21 members postfix/smtpd[18773]: disconnect from mx.webarch.net[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 data=0/1 quit=1 commands=5/7

generated a new API key ?

so trying that

13 November
So this thread should send by email ?

This is a reply by email…

I am not sure the email is being received INTO to forum… as in “REPLY TO forum POST VIA EMAIL!”


Hi @kate You should now be able to use the test server for testing as it
does now have email in and out working:

I have unlisted this thread…